open wifi

Don’t rush the Digital Economy Bill

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010 | General | No Comments

Dear David Howarth,

I’m very concerned about the attempt to rush the passage of the Digital Economy Bill through the Commons.

I run a public wifi network for our crescent of shared houses. It’s my contribution from my own time and technical expertise.

In a time when thrift is essential, it saves us all money.

I also run a business providing software services both locally and internationally. I carry out much of my work over my internet connection at home.

But should even an accusation be raised that my network is being misused, the Digital Economy Bill means I risk disconnection and places upon me the considerable monetary cost of defending such accusations in court.

Filtering is not feasible in any meaningful sense. It’s impossible for me to distinguish between legal and illegal file-sharing traffic.

The Digital Economy Bill puts at risk the good I do for my community as well as my livelihood and deserves proper scrutiny.

As a constituent, I implore you to do all you can to ensure the Government does not rush the bill through, denying us our democratic right to scrutiny and debate.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Ferry

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