ivan denisovich

tagged, literarilly. And stuff.

Friday, September 22nd, 2006 | Old | No Comments

By tsukikoneko.
Sentences 6-8 from page 123 of your nearest book (ignoring exhilarating Oracle 10 manuals or, er, Billy Joel sheet music).

So, from “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” by Aleksandr “Happy” Solzhenitsyn:

He’d lost all his teeth and chewed his bread with iron gums. All life had drained out of his face, but it had been left, not sickly or feeble, but hard and dark like carved stone. And by his hands, big and cracked and blackened, you could see that he’d had little opportunity of doing cushy jobs.”

Yum. Gummy bread.

Shocked and apalled that noone has yet tagged:
pinkthulhu – holiday or no holiday

Confluence – because there’s nothing quite like Polish when you need a break from vowels

and egadfly – your journal started so full of promise and then… nothing. So post, dammit.

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