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--- title: HasturSystemSoftware --- Back to [Hastur][1] [[_TOC_]] ## Debian installation After mininst CD installation # vim /etc/apt/sources.list #comment out cdrom entry #deb cdrom:[.... #add multimedia repos deb http://debian-multimedia.fx-services.com/ stable main deb-src http://debian-multimedia.fx-services.com/ stable main EOF # Configure network # ifdown eth0 # vim /etc/network/interfaces #replace dhcp with static #iface eth0 inet dhcp iface eth0 inet static address $IP netmask $NETMASK gateway $GATEWAY_IP EOF # ifup eth0 Update, install SSH # apt-get install ssh # apt-get install iproute # apt-get install bzip2 # apt-get install hdparm Install SSH keys hastur$ mkdir ~/.ssh hastur$ chmod go-rwx ~/.ssh other$ scp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys me@hastur:~/.ssh/ Secure SSH Daemon # vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config PermitRootLogin no AllowUsers me PasswordAuthentication No EOF # /etc/init.d/ssh restart ## Serial Console *2007-10-02*: Initial config *2013-10-31*: Boot console, sulogin and fstab fixes Configure serial console * <http://dev.riseup.net/grimoire/miscellaneous/serial-console/> Most serial console guides don't cover setting the serial console for fsck recovery at boot time. When the fsck fails at boot sulogin is run (the prompt is "Enter root password or Ctrl-D to continue" or similar) on the default console only (console or tty0). ### sysvinit and /etc/inittab Enable console on /dev/ttyS0 In /etc/inittab set * single user sulogin tty * z6 emergency fallthrough (if it exists) * getty on ttyS0 ~~:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin /dev/ttyS0 ... z6:6:respawn:/sbin/sulogin /dev/ttyS0 ... T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100 Set default console in sysvinit settings (/etc/default/rcS) CONSOLE=/dev/ttyS0 This is used through the init.d files when sulogin is called. Allow root login # vim /etc/securetty ttyS0 Test serial console # kill -s SIGHUP 1 All further work can now be completed over serial console and SSH. ### Grub1 In /boot/grub/menu.lst: * Set serial config * Set terminal config * Append to the kernel kopt line (including the #) e.g.: serial --unit=0 --speed=115200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1 terminal console serial Append kernel options for serial console to *# kopt=root=...* line e.g. # kopt=root=/dev/mapper/hastur-root ro console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0 ### Grub2 In /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0" GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty0" # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only) GRUB_TERMINAL=serial GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --unit=0 --speed=115200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1" Then regenerate the config grub-mkconfig [[$[Get Code]]][62] ### fstab To assist in avoiding unnecessary boot failures, ensure the fs_passno field in fstab is set connectly for all filesystems. The sixth and final field in each fstab line determines whether and in which order the filesystem is checked at boot. : Do not fsck 1 : Root filesystem 2-n : All other filesystems Patch fstab to disable fsck of raid array started manually after boot -/dev/vg-md6/home /mnt/md6-home ext4 defaults,noatime,nosuid,noauto,acl 0 3 +/dev/vg-md6/home /mnt/md6-home ext4 defaults,noatime,nosuid,noauto,acl 0 0 ## Kernel Customization Install kernel build tools # apt-get install kernel-package ncurses-dev fakeroot wget bzip2 Get and extract kernel source and Tejun's libata patch $ wget http://home-tj.org/files/libata-tj-stable/libata-tj- $ wget http://www.eu.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux- $ tar -xjvf linux- $ tar -xjvf libata-tj- ### Kernel Config CONFIG_MCORE2=y # set in place of generic x86_64 CONFIG_NR_CPUS=4 # set in place of 32 to save memory Patch and configure kernel $ cd linux- $ cp /boot/config-2.6.18-5-amd64 linux- $ make oldconfig $ patch -p1 < ../libata-tj- $ make menuconfig # check config $ export CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=4 # Quad-core, don't use -j $ make-kpkg clean $ fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --revision=libata.1.0 kernel_image Needs the --initrd to generate an initrd image for booting from LVM Install kernel # dpkg -i linux-image- Updates GRUB automagically ### Module Autoloading Load DVB module for Hauppauge Nova-T # echo "cx88_dvb # DVB support for Hauppauge Nova-T" >> /etc/modules ## Cross Compiler (Don't remember why I needed this) * <http://psas.pdx.edu/DebianCrossCompilerHowto/> * <http://wiki.debian.org/BuildingCrossCompilers> ## RAID Configuration #### 2007-10-03 Create test RAID array # apt-get install mdadm xfsprogs bonnie++ # for dev in {b..g} ; do echo ",125,fd" | sfdisk /dev/sd$dev ; done # mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-devices=6 /dev/sd{b..g}1 Partition the disks # cat > sfdisk.format ,125,fd ,12450,fd ,,fd EOF # for dev in {b..g} ; do cat sfdisk.format | sfdisk /dev/sd$dev ; done Create RAID0 for swap # mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-devices=6 /dev/sd{b..g}1 # mkswap /dev/md0 # swapon /dev/md0 -p0 Create RAID10 for database # mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md1 --level=10 --raid-devices=6 /dev/sd{b..g}2 # mkfs.xfs -f /dev/md1 Create RAID5 for general data # mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md5 --level=5 --raid-devices=5 --spare-devices=1 /dev/sd{b..g}3 # mkfs.xfs -f /dev/md5 Install SMART mon # apt-get install smartmontools Tested various RAID configurations. Seems /dev/sdc is broken. ## RAID Benchmarks * <http://linux-ata.org/faq.html> - setting and checking NCQ * md0, raid 0, 6 disks * md1, raid 10, 6 disks, stripe of 3 mirrored pairs * md5, raid 5, 5 disks + 1 hot spare Setup: 4 Seagate, 2 Samsung. XFS with default options. NCQ 31/32. SATA PM through 2 SATA300 channels. 3 disks multiplexed per channel. | Version 1.03 | Sequential Output | Sequential Input | Random | || | | Per Chr | Block | Rewrite | Per Chr | Block | Seeks | | Test | Size | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | /sec | %CP | | md0 | 4024M | | | 160706 | 15 | 67128 | 7 | | | 116615 | 6 | 392.9 | | | md1 | 4024M | | | 80089 | 10 | 53176 | 6 | | | 117342 | 7 | 166.1 | | | md5 | 4024M | | | 55785 | 8 | 34142 | 4 | | | 82070 | 5 | 318.3 | | Then md5 with varying NCQ depths # for depth 1 8 31; do for dev in {b..g} ; do echo $depth > /sys/block/sd$dev/device/queue_depth; done; bonnie++ -f -d /mnt/md5 -s 4024 -n 0 -u root | tee ~/bonnie.raid5.ncq=$depth.out; done | Version 1.03 | Sequential Output | Sequential Input | Random | || | | Per Chr | Block | Rewrite | Per Chr | Block | Seeks | | Test | Size | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | /sec | %CP | | depth=1 | 4024M | | | 60390 | 9 | 33056 | 3 | | | 73552 | 4 | 311.3 | | | depth=8 | 4024M | | | 53196 | 8 | 33107 | 3 | | | 83029 | 5 | 311.4 | | | depth=31 | 4024M | | | 52550 | 8 | 34127 | 4 | | | 81684 | 4 | 306.5 | | Without PM | Version 1.03 | Sequential Output | Sequential Input | Random | || | | Per Chr | Block | Rewrite | Per Chr | Block | Seeks | | Test | Size | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | /sec | %CP | | md0 | 4024M | | | 352560 | 33 | 154813 | 19 | | | 315842 | 19 | 669.9 | 1 | | md1 | 4024M | | | 222888 | 31 | 72417 | 9 | | | 170133 | 12 | 776.2 | 1 | | md5 | 4024M | | | 171088 | 28 | 68525 | 9 | | | 271605 | 20 | 641.8 | | #### 2007-10-09 Finish RAID configuration Optimize # blockdev --setra 4096 /dev/md0 # default 1536 # blockdev --setra 3072 /dev/md1 # default 768 # blockdev --setra /dev/md5 # Deprecated. Proper read-ahead testing done later. References suggest optimal config is 0 on all layers except the top-layer (dmcrypt). Post-optimization benchmarks | Version 1.03 | Sequential Output | Sequential Input | Random | || | | Per Chr | Block | Rewrite | Per Chr | Block | Seeks | | Test | Size | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | /sec | %CP | | md0 | 4024M | | | 188582 | 18 | 86119 | 10 | | | 179046 | 10 | 481.6 | | | md1 | 4024M | | | 95734 | 12 | 49719 | 6 | | | 127244 | 7 | 482.1 | | | md5 | 4024M | | | | | | | | | | | | | Now rearrange md0 to alternate PMs # mdadm --stop /dev/md{0,1,5} # mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-devices=6 /dev/sd{b,e,c,f,d,g}1 # mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md1 --level=10 --raid-devices=6 /dev/sd{b,e,c,f,d,g}2 | Version 1.03 | Sequential Output | Sequential Input | Random | || | | Per Chr | Block | Rewrite | Per Chr | Block | Seeks | | Test | Size | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | /sec | %CP | | md0 | 4024M | | | 192926 | 18 | 86918 | 11 | | | 180066 | 11 | 470.8 | | | md1 | 4024M | | | 97683 | 12 | 50525 | 6 | | | 120018 | 8 | 480.4 | | | md5 | 4024M | | | | | | | | | | | | | Or alternately # mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md1 --level=10 --raid-devices=6 /dev/sd{b,d,f,c,e,g}2 | Version 1.03 | Sequential Output | Sequential Input | Random | || | | Per Chr | Block | Rewrite | Per Chr | Block | Seeks | | Test | Size | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | /sec | %CP | | md1 | 4024M | | | 96439 | 12 | 50751 | 6 | | | 118106 | 7 | 463.7 | | Save to mdadm.conf * <http://dev.riseup.net/grimoire/storage/software-raid/#updating_mdadmconf> # mdadm --detail --scan --verbose >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf ## Disk Encryption # apt-get install dmsetup Filesystem Using /dev/md0 to test on # time dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/md0 bs=10240k real 16m23.806s user 0m0.004s sys 15m40.363s # apt-get install cryptsetup hashalot Create the encrypted partition # cryptsetup --verbose --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/md0 WARNING! ======== This will overwrite data on /dev/md0 irrevocably. Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES Enter LUKS passphrase: not my real passphrase Verify passphrase: not my real passphrase Command successful. Now open it # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md0 crypt-md0 Enter LUKS passphrase: not my real passphrase key slot 0 unlocked. Command successful. Create a filesystem, mount it # mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/crypt-md0 # mount /dev/mapper/crypt-md0 /mnt/md0 # bonnie++ -f -d /mnt/md0 -s 4024 -n 0 -u root Clean up # umount /mnt/md0 # cryptsetup luksClose crypt-md0 aes-x86_64 - load the module # rmmod aes # modprobe aes-x86_64 Setup and Benchmark # cryptsetup -c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 luksFormat /dev/md0 # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md0 crypt-md0 # mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/crypt-md0 # mount /dev/mapper/crypt-md0 md0 # bonnie++ -f -d /mnt/md0 -s 4024 -n 0 -u root # umount /mnt/md0 # cryptsetup luksClose crypt-md0 Next, try experimental LRW block mode # modprobe lrw # cryptsetup -c aes-lrw-benbi:sha256 -s 256 luksFormat /dev/md0 # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md0 crypt-md0 # mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/crypt-md0 # mount /dev/mapper/crypt-md0 md0 # bonnie++ -f -d /mnt/md0 -s 4024 -n 0 -u root # umount /mnt/md0 # cryptsetup luksClose crypt-md0 For twofish: # cryptsetup -c twofish-cbc-essiv:sha256 luksFormat /dev/md0 # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md0 crypt-md0 # mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/crypt-md0 # mount /dev/mapper/crypt-md0 md0 # bonnie++ -f -d /mnt/md0 -s 4024 -n 0 -u root # umount /mnt/md0 # cryptsetup luksClose crypt-md0 Twofish-x86_64 - load the module # rmmod twofish # modprobe twofish-x86_64 Setup and Benchmark # cryptsetup -c twofish-cbc-essiv:sha256 luksFormat /dev/md0 # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md0 crypt-md0 # mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/crypt-md0 # mount /dev/mapper/crypt-md0 md0 # bonnie++ -f -d /mnt/md0 -s 4024 -n 0 -u root # umount /mnt/md0 # cryptsetup luksClose crypt-md0 ### Encryption Benchmarks md0, XFS | Version 1.03 | Sequential Output | Sequential Input | Random | || | | Per Chr | Block | Rewrite | Per Chr | Block | Seeks | | Test | Size | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | /sec | %CP | | aes[1][68] | 4024M | | | 169349 | 17 | 46817 | 8 | | | 114262 | 13 | 394.4 | | | aes-64[2][69] | 4024M | | | 163673 | 17 | 46350 | 8 | | | 115287 | 13 | 398.4 | | | aes-lrw-64[3][70] | 4024M | | | 174988 | 18 | 49748 | 9 | | | 115869 | 13 | 400.7 | | | twofish[4][71] | 4024M | | | 140027 | 14 | 40582 | 7 | | | 109515 | 12 | 368.4 | | | twofish-64[5][72] | 4024M | | | 159518 | 16 | 43404 | 7 | | | 112616 | 13 | 403.9 | | 1 aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 128-bit key [⇑][73] 2 aes-cbc-essiv:sha256, 128-bit key, 64-bit [⇑][74] 3 aes-lrw-benbi:sha256, 256-bit key, 64-bit [⇑][75] 4 twofish-cbc-essiv:sha256 128-bit key [⇑][76] 5 twofish-cbc-essiv:sha256, 128-bit key, 64-bit [⇑][77] ## RAID Configuration - Take 2 ### Random data # for dev in /dev/sd{b..g} ; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=$dev bs=1024k & done With port multipliers, may be faster this way: # for dev in /dev/sd{b..d} ; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=$dev bs=1024k ; done & # for dev in /dev/sd{e..g} ; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=$dev bs=1024k ; done & Get progress reports: # # set delay, finished flag, get current tty device # delay=3 ; finished=0; tty=`tty | cut -d/ -f3-` # # get progress reports from dd # while (( ! $finished )) ; do pkill -USR1 -t $tty dd ; finished=$? ; sleep $delay ; done Much faster to do this in parallel on the raw disks, not through the raid devices. To kill the dd's: # pkill -t $tty dd ### Partition #### 2007-10-12 Then * Repartition * Recreate raid arrays Partitioning scheme: Seagate 500GB = 500106780160 bytes = 476938.9917 MiB = 465.760734 GiB Samsung 500GB = 500107862016 bytes = 476940.0234 MiB = 465.761742 GiB | md | Start | End | Blocks | Raid Size | Partition | Notes | |:--- | ----- | ---- | ------ | --------- | ------------------ | -------------------------------- | | md0 | 0M | 749M | | 4.5GB | Swap | Separate so crypto can be random | | md2 | 750M | 50G | | 300GB | RAID0 | /var,/tmp | | md3 | 50G | 465G | | 1660GB | RAID5 | Everything else | Partition the disks, use sfdisk MiB format # cat > sfdisk.format ,750,fd ,51200,fd ,,fd EOF # for dev in {b..g} ; do cat sfdisk.format | sfdisk -uM /dev/sd$dev ; done ### md0 - RAID0 - swap Create RAID0 for swap # mdadm --create --metadata=1.2 --verbose --level=0 --raid-devices=6 /dev/md0 /dev/sd{b..g}1 Edit /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab # echo "/dev/mapper/md0-swap /dev/md0 /dev/random swap" >> /etc/crypttab # echo "/dev/mapper/md0-swap none swap sw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab Do first initialization manually # cryptsetup -s 128 create --key-file /dev/random md0-swap /dev/md0 # mkswap /dev/mapper/md0-swap # swapon /dev/mapper/md0-swap -p0 # set higher priority Don't think chunk size matters for RAID0. RAID5 must be carefully tuned however. ### md2 - RAID0 Create RAID0 for general use # mdadm --create --metadata=1.2 --verbose --level=0 --raid-devices=6 /dev/md2 /dev/sd{b..g}2 # cryptsetup -c aes-lrw-benbi:sha256 -s 256 luksFormat /dev/md2 WARNING! ======== This will overwrite data on /dev/md2 irrevocably. Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES Enter LUKS passphrase: (enter short password, for testing) The passphrase is only for testing chunk-size performance. Later, we'll remove the passphrase and replace it with random key material stored on a USB token. Edit /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab # echo "/dev/mapper/crypt-md2 /dev/md2 none luks" >> /etc/crypttab # echo "/dev/mapper/crypt-md2 /mnt/md2 xfs defaults,noatime,noexec,noauto 0 3" >> /etc/fstab # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md2 crypt-md2 # mkfs.xfs -f -d sunit=16,swidth=96 /dev/mapper/crypt-md2 # mount -t xfs /dev/mapper/crypt-md2 /mnt/md2 # bonnie++ -f -d /mnt/md2 -s 4024 -n 0 -u root swidth = sunit × num-raid-devices #### Chunk size benchmarks Cleanup # umount /mnt/md2 # cryptsetup luksClose crypt-md2 # mdadm --stop /dev/md2 Chunk size # mdadm --create --metadata=1.2 --verbose --chunk 128 --level=0 --raid-devices=6 /dev/md2 /dev/sd{b..g}2 # cryptsetup -c aes-lrw-benbi:sha256 -s 256 luksFormat /dev/md2 # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md2 crypt-md2 # mkfs.xfs -f -d sunit=16,swidth=96 /dev/mapper/crypt-md2 # mount -t xfs /dev/mapper/crypt-md2 /mnt/md2 # bonnie++ -f -d /mnt/md2 -s 4024 -n 0 -u root etc... ##### RAID0 | Version 1.03 | Sequential Output | Sequential Input | Random | || | | Per Chr | Block | Rewrite | Per Chr | Block | Seeks | | Chunk-size | Size | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | /sec | %CP | | 64 | 4024M | | | 166964 | 18 | 48156 | 9 | | | 112035 | 13 | 369.9 | | | 128 | 4024M | | | 170101 | 18 | 44732 | 9 | | | 93034 | 11 | 388.1 | | | 256 | 4024M | | | 168815 | 18 | 43214 | 8 | | | 89604 | 10 | 410.9 | | Stick to 64k chunk size. ### md3 - RAID5 Create RAID5 for general use * Test various chunk sizes # mdadm --create --metadata=1.2 --verbose --chunk 128 --level=5 --raid-devices=5 --spare-devices=1 /dev/md3 /dev/sd{b..g}3 # cryptsetup -c aes-lrw-benbi:sha256 -s 256 luksFormat /dev/md3 # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md3 crypt-md3 # mkfs.xfs -f -d sunit=128,swidth=640 /dev/mapper/crypt-md3 # mount -t xfs /dev/mapper/crypt-md3 /mnt/md3 # bonnie++ -f -d /mnt/md3 -s 4024 -n 0 -u root swidth = sunit × num-raid-devices Edit /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab # echo "/dev/mapper/crypt-md3 /dev/md3 none luks" >> /etc/crypttab # echo "/dev/mapper/crypt-md3 /mnt/md3 xfs defaults,noatime,noexec,noauto 0 3" >> /etc/fstab #### sunit and swidth mkfs.xfs can't work out sunit and swidth from a dmcrypt device. So run mkfs.xfs on the md device first and use the values it calculates there when running mkfs.xfs on the dmcrypt device. # mkfs.xfs -f /dev/md3 meta-data=/dev/md3 isize=256 agcount=32, agsize=13599264 blks = sectsz=4096 attr=0 data = bsize=4096 blocks=435176448, imaxpct=25 = sunit=16 swidth=80 blks, unwritten=1 naming =version 2 bsize=4096 log =internal log bsize=4096 blocks=32768, version=2 = sectsz=4096 sunit=1 blks realtime =none extsz=327680 blocks=0, rtextents=0 Note that the log size is 128MB. ( bsize × blocks = 4K × 32×2^10 = 128M) | Version 1.03 | Sequential Output | Sequential Input | Random | || | | Per Chr | Block | Rewrite | Per Chr | Block | Seeks | | Chunk-size | Size | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | /sec | %CP | | 64 | 4024M | | | 50391 | 7 | 28868 | 6 | | | 88188 | 11 | 302.0 | | | 128 | 4024M | | | 45829 | 6 | 28207 | 5 | | | 77503 | 9 | 294.1 | | | 256 | 4024M | | | 37982 | 5 | 27898 | 5 | | | 70849 | 9 | 313.4 | | ##### Readahead and stripe cache size Chunk=256 | Version 1.03 | Sequential Output | Sequential Input | Random | || | | Per Chr | Block | Rewrite | Per Chr | Block | Seeks | | RA[1][80] | SC[2][81] | Size | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | /sec | %CP | | 256 | xxx | 4024M | | | 36932 | 5 | 28244 | 6 | | | 69821 | 8 | 300.9 | | | 4096 | xxx | 4024M | | | 36161 | 5 | 28999 | 4 | | | 111310 | 11 | 306.8 | | | 4096 | 4096 | 4024M | | | 76893 | 11 | 40381 | 6 | | | 111537 | 10 | 282.5 | | Chunk=64 | Version 1.03 | Sequential Output | Sequential Input | Random | || | | Per Chr | Block | Rewrite | Per Chr | Block | Seeks | | RA | SC | Size | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | /sec | %CP | | 4096 | 4096 | Here I got fed up with PM and directly connected the drives. # mkfs.xfs -f -d sunit=16,swidth=80 /dev/mapper/crypt-md3 chunk=64, bsize=4k, sunit=16, swidth=80 | Version 1.03 | Sequential Output | Sequential Input | Random | || | | Per Chr | Block | Rewrite | Per Chr | Block | Seeks | | RA | SC | Size | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | K/sec | %CP | /sec | %CP | | 4096 | 4096 | 4024M | | | 196838 | 26 | 73407 | 11 | | | 238919 | 22 | 402.0 | | 1 read-ahead [⇑][82] 2 stripe cache size [⇑][83] echo 4096 > /sys/block/md3/md/stripe\_cache\_size /dev/sdc died during benchmarking so: # mdadm --create --metadata=1.2 --verbose --chunk 128 --level=5 --raid-devices=5 /dev/md3 /dev/sd{b,d,e,f,g}3 # cryptsetup -c aes-lrw-benbi:sha256 -s 256 luksFormat /dev/md3 # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md3 crypt-md3 # mkfs.xfs -f -d sunit=128,swidth=640 /dev/mapper/crypt-md3 # mount -t xfs /dev/mapper/crypt-md3 /mnt/md3 Limit rebuild speed (KiB/sec) # echo 1000 > /proc/sys/dev/raid/speed_limit_min # echo 20000 > /proc/sys/dev/raid/speed_limit_max Save dmraid configuration so far # mdadm --detail --scan --verbose >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf Shutdown # umount /mnt/md2 /mnt/md3 # swapoff /dev/mapper/md0-swap # cryptsetup remove md0-swap # cryptsetup remove crypt-md2 # cryptsetup remove crypt-md3 # mdadm --stop /dev/md* ### PM RAID take 2 #### 2007-11-30 * Added a SiI3132 PCIe controller. Should exhibit 130mbit bandwidth limit. * Only 5 disks working now so have to force bonnie++ to run with < 2×RAM. #### Benchmark RAID0 # mdadm --create --metadata=1.2 --verbose --level=0 --raid-devices=6 /dev/md0 /dev/sd{b..g}1 # cryptsetup -c aes-lrw-benbi:sha256 -s 256 luksFormat /dev/md0 # cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md0 crypt-md0 # mkfs.xfs -f -d sunit=16,swidth=96 /dev/mapper/crypt-md0 # mount -t xfs /dev/mapper/crypt-md0 /mnt/md0 # for dev in sd{b..f} ; do blockdev --setra 128 /dev/$dev ; done # blockdev --setra 128 /dev/md0 # blockdev --setra 8192 /dev/mapper/crypt-md0 # bonnie++ -f -d /mnt/md0 -r 1800 -s 3700 -n 0 -u root ## Backports * <http://www.backports.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=instructions> # echo 'deb http://www.backports.org/debian etch-backports main contrib non-free' >> /etc/apt/sources.list # apt-get update # apt-get -t etch-backports install foo ## Performance Tweaks Tweak RAID array parameters in rc.local `# vim rc.local ` # Configure RAID DEVICES="sda sdb sdc sdd sde sdf" # disable NCQ for dev in $DEVICES ; do echo 1 > /sys/block/$dev/device/queue_depth; done; # set read-ahead for dev in $DEVICES ; do blockdev --setra 128 /dev/$dev done blockdev --setra 128 /dev/md{0,2,3} blockdev --setra 8192 /dev/mapper/md0-swap /dev/mapper/crypt-md{2,3} # set stripe_cache_size echo 8192 > /sys/block/md3/md/stripe_cache_size exit 0 Have to fix detecting the devices. May not always be sd{a..f} ## Boot probe order * sata\_sil24 gets probed before pata\_jmicron so can't boot with RAID array attached. * Solution: remove sata_sil24 from initramfs 1. Put just the needed modules in the initramfs `vim /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf` MODULES=dep 2. Unload sata_sil24 # cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/crypt-md3 # mdadm --stop /dev/md3 # rmmod sata_sil24 3. Recreate initramfs # mkinitramfs -k 2.6.25-pmp -o /boot/initrd.img-2.6.25-pmp ## Replacement HDD *2008-08-06* - Finally RMA'd the faulty Samsung HDD. ### Initialize new disk # badblocks -c 10240 -s -w -t random -o sdg.new.badblocks.out -v /dev/sdg ### Partition and add to RAID # cat sfdisk.format | sfdisk -uM /dev/sdg # mdadm /dev/md3 --add /dev/sdg3 ### Limit rebuild speed In KiB/sec: # echo 1000 > /proc/sys/dev/raid/speed_limit_min # echo 20000 > /proc/sys/dev/raid/speed_limit_max ### Grow array from 5+1 to 6 # mdadm --grow /dev/md3 --raid-devices=6 --backup-file=/var/tmp/raidresize ### Expand LUKS partition # cryptsetup resize crypt-md3 ### Expand XFS # xfs_growfs /mnt/md3 ## Process Limits * Set limits to prevent processes like lsdvd killing the system when freaking out on dodgy ISOs # cat >> /etc/profile if [ $UID -ge 1000 ] then ulimit -m 1000000 # Max resident memory 1GB ulimit -v 1000000 # Max virtual memory 1GB ulimit -u 150 # Max processes 150 fi ## ATA Hard Resets * Started getting ATA hard resets * At or around the same time: * the power supply on DGS-1008D switch died * bad interference on digital TV and cellphone conversations was noticed * Narrowed it down to one enclosure slot * Could be a power supply problem? * Cable problem? * See [HasturAtaFailures][88] ## Monitor RAID ### Configure cron Monitors the array every 20 minutes $ crontab -e 0,20,40 * * * * /sbin/mdadm --monitor --oneshot --mail yourname@yourisp ## Upgrade to Lenny #### 2009-05-13 * Replaced all occurrences of stable and etch with lenny * apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade * /boot was mounted ro, had to remount and retry upgrade ## Recover RAID after failed disks * Recreated RAID array superblocks with mdadm-2.5.6 * Script to permute ordering. * [HasturRaidRecovery][89] * [HasturRaidConfiguration][90] ## Boot Reconfiguration #### 2009-09-09 ### Disable boot-time serial console * Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst * Edit inittab #### 2009-09-13 * Turn serial console back on but give precedence to console serial --unit=0 --speed=115200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1 terminal console serial ### Don't start cryptdisks on boot * sysv-rc-conf: disabled cryptdisks, cryptdisks-early ## Recover RAID again #### 2009-09-10 ### md2 mdadm --create --assume-clean --metadata=1.2 --verbose --level=0 --raid-devices=6 /dev/md2 /dev/sd{e,f,g,b,c,d}2 ### md3 mdadm-2.5.6 -C --assume-clean -f -e 1.2 -l 5 -c 128 -n6 /dev/md3 /dev/sd{b,g,d,c,f,e}3 ## Move mounted home #### 2009-09-10 # mv /mnt/md3/systems/hastur/home /mnt/md3/home # cd /mnt/md3/systems/hastur && ln -s ../../home ## Kernel Upgrade #### 2009-09-16 * To 2.6.31 # dpkg -i /usr/src/linux-image-2.6.31-pmp_hastur.1.0_amd64.deb ## Array Upgrade * [Hastur Raid Upgrade][91] ## Extend Logical Volumes # lvextend -L +100G /dev/vg-md6/home # lvextend -L +300G /dev/vg-md6/media # resize2fs /dev/vg-md6/home & # resize2fs /dev/vg-md6/media & ## Prepare Backup Disks # Create mdadm raid 1 with metadata at the end mdadm --create /dev/md5 -e 1 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdg /dev/sdh # resync mdadm --readwrite /dev/md5 # init LUKS, keysize (-s) is required for aes-xts-plain cryptsetup luksFormat -c aes-xts-plain -s 512 /dev/md5 # filesystem mkfs.ext3 -m0 /dev/md5 * copy * prep for shipping ## Array Upgrade 2 * [Hastur Raid Upgrade 2][92] ## Upgrade to Squeeze #### 2012-11-05 Followed [howtoforge][93]. * Backed up /etc tar -czvf /mnt/md6-media/systems/etc.tgz /etc * Found Lenny archive at: <http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian-archive/debian> apt-get clean # running out of space on /var apt-get update # update old distro apt-get upgrade # upgrade old distro Upgrade incomplete. Still on Lenny. /boot was mounted ro, had to remount and retry upgrade. #### 2013-10-30 * Reattempted upgrade ### Kernel Following [Debian manual][94] * apt-get upgrade apt-get install linux-image-2.6-amd64 # fails out of space on /lib! #### Out of space in /lib * Reconfigure sshd to allow root login temporarily * ssh in as root * Resize hastur-home LVM * Reduce fs to 50G, reduce lv to 52G, expand fs again to fill lv umount /home HOME_DEV=/dev/mapper/hastur-home e2fsck -f $HOME_DEV resize2fs $HOME_DEV 50G e2fsck -f $HOME_DEV lvreduce -L 52G $HOME_DEV resize2fs $HOME_DEV # Extend home-root by 512GB, leave the rest unused ROOT_DEV=/dev/mapper/hastur-root lvextend -L +512M $ROOT_DEV resize2fs $ROOT_DEV # Redo kernel upgrade apt-get -f install ### udev * Problem with libc6-i386 dependencies related to transition to multiarch. * Solution: Removed ia32-libs and all dependents. Removed libc6-i386 apt-get remove dpt-i2o-raidutils dpkg --remove lib32asound2 lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 lib32z1-dev libc6-dev-i386 libc6-i386 # resume udev install (with some deps including gcc4.4-base) apt-get install udev ### dist-upgrade apt-get upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade # fails with perl libanyevent problems # check anyevent-perl deps apt-cache showpkg anyevent-perl # none! dpkg -r anyevent-perl apt-get install -f # fix the packages that anyevent-perl broke #### mediatomb # backup /etc/init.d/mediatomb stop cd /etc tar -czvf mediatomb.tgz mediatomb/ # remove apt-get purge mediatomb mediatomb-common mediatomb-daemon rm -rf /etc/mediatomb apt-get install mediatomb-daemon # extract backup and merge configs cd /etc/mediatomb tar -xzvf /etc/mediatomb.tgz mv mediatomb old vimdiff config.xml old/config.xml # restart /etc/init.d/mediatomb restart #### Switch postgresql # Stop and backup /etc/init.d/postgresql stop tar -czvf 8.3.bak.tgz /etc/postgresql/8.3 /var/lib/postgresql/8.3 tar -czvf 8.4.bak.tgz /etc/postgresql/8.4 /var/lib/postgresql/8.4 # Drop default 8.4 cluster /etc/init.d/postgresql start pg_dropcluster --stop 8.4 main # Upgrade 8.3 to 8.4 pg_upgradecluster 8.3 main pg_dropcluster --stop 8.3 main ## Upgrade to Wheezy **'2013-10-31**' ### Preparation * install etckeeper and baseline apt-get install etckeeper cd /etc etckeeper init # check the git staging area and remove unwanted stuff git commit -a -m "etc: squeeze baseline" git tag -a -m "squeeze" * updated apt-sources * Check estimated space and extend /var by 2GB apt-get -o APT::Get::Trivial-Only=true dist-upgrade lvextend /dev/mapper/hastur-var -L +2G resize2fs /dev/mapper/hastur-var * keep polipo * apt-get autoremove ### Upgrade Minimal upgrade first * apt-get upgrade Lots of fixes dist-upgrades, apt-get -f installs, etc. Breakages from: * vlc and libav * apt-get removed vlc and continued, later reinstalled Removed old custom-built kernels. Removed custom install of rtorrent now that Wheezy has an up-to-date one. Fixed md127 mdadm device in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf ARRAY /dev/md6 UUID=<array:uuid> ### Migrate to rsyslogd sudo apt-get install rsyslog sudo apt-get purge inetutils-syslogd ### Fix Cacti Cacti node tree UI wasn't working at all. Missing js library jquery-cookie apt-get install libjs-jquery-cookie [[$[Get Code]]][104] ### Remaining Issues * Mythbackend broken * Cacti tree ui broken # Log #### 2011-07-09 * Extended md6-media by 100G #### 2013-10-30 * Completed upgrade to Squeeze #### 2013-10-31 * Upgraded to Wheezy * * * 1. vim:set syntax=pmwiki: [1]: Hastur [62]: HasturSystemSoftware?action=sourceblock&num=1 [68]: #fn1_1 [69]: #fn1_2 [70]: #fn1_3 [71]: #fn1_4 [72]: #fn1_5 [73]: #fnr1_1 [74]: #fnr1_2 [75]: #fnr1_3 [76]: #fnr1_4 [77]: #fnr1_5 [80]: #fn2_1 [81]: #fn2_2 [82]: #fnr2_1 [83]: #fnr2_2 [88]: HasturAtaFailures [89]: HasturRaidRecovery [90]: HasturRaidConfiguration [91]: HasturRaidUpgrade [92]: HasturRaidUpgrade2 [93]: http://www.howtoforge.com/upgrade-debian-lenny-to-squeeze-in-a-few-simple-steps [94]: http://www.debian.org/releases/squeeze/amd64/release-notes/ch-upgrading.en.html [95]: HasturSystemSoftware?action=sourceblock&num=2 [96]: HasturSystemSoftware?action=sourceblock&num=3 [97]: HasturSystemSoftware?action=sourceblock&num=4 [98]: HasturSystemSoftware?action=sourceblock&num=5 [99]: HasturSystemSoftware?action=sourceblock&num=6 [100]: HasturSystemSoftware?action=sourceblock&num=7 [101]: HasturSystemSoftware?action=sourceblock&num=8 [102]: HasturSystemSoftware?action=sourceblock&num=9 [103]: HasturSystemSoftware?action=sourceblock&num=10 [104]: HasturSystemSoftware?action=sourceblock&num=11
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