- Fix technique
- 7hr/week of good-quality practice
- Single arm/hand motions per phrase instead of bouncing
- Movement between keys also part of the phrase
- Rolling hand, not finger articulation
- Slowly, VERY slowly!
- Don't lock the arm before a phrase
- Thumb-under exercises
- Rolling motion rather than digital articulation
- Focus on one piece at a time
- Claire de Lune
- Rolling
- Fluid and rounder movements when moving between positions
Moonlight Sonata 2nd
- Texture, staccato vs legato
- Need to relearn
Claire de Lune
- Fix wrong notes
- Legato melody
- Lift hand for repeated chords
- Hold pedalling for left hand phrasing
Moonlight Sonata 3rd
- RH octave contractions too mechanical
- Left thumb too strong, roll hand
- Claire de Lune errors
- Fix by next week
- Moonlight Sonata (1st) errors
- Tempo! Notes, crescendo
- Chopin Nocturne
- Chopin Polonaise
- First two pages by next week
- Test play very slowly - check movement of hand
- "one continuous movement" per phrase
Watch attack and lift-off carefully.
Claire de Lune
- not fixed!
- Chopin Nocturne
- Attack: "Down-up, down". Not "Down-up, down-up; down-up"!
- Chopin Polonaise
- First three pages by next week
Chopin Polonaise
- Play at a speed I can read it
Chopin Nocturne
- pp in bass
- Complete each bass arpeggio before starting the next. Practice with stress on 2nd and 4th
- Practice E-scale sections as single regular movements.
Chopin Polonaise
- Do D-flat major section rest of piece over next three weeks
- Opening octaves: RH relax prior to attack. Hand position ends down.
- Slow the trill, make it part of the melody
Chopin Nocturne
- Opening chords: start lifting off very slowly as soon as chord is sounded
- Rondo much lighter
Claire de Lune
- Count aloud to isolate insecure sections
Brahms Intermezzi Op.117 No.2
- Look at this over the next three weeks
Chopin Polonaise
- Attack the fff
- First theme romantic, repetition more ethereal
- Emphasise middle notes of the chord
- Octaves are harsh
Chopin Nocturne
- Opening passage: where's the thumb!?
- Learn turn of the page
- Solidify the notes
Brahms Intermezzi
- Octaves in RH
- Shared LH/RH notes in arpeggios
- Chopin Polonaise
- First theme
- Resolution bars without pedal
- Second theme
- piano sotto voce
- SLOW arpeggios
- forte right up to C-flat section (D-flat minor)
- First theme