Pivos Xios DS Media Play!

Hardware version : M3

Platform : AMLOGIC MESON3 8726M SKT SH

CPU : ARM Cortex-A9

CPU Features : swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3

Arch : armv7l

Target : arm-linux-gnueabihf





  1. Copy to root of USB stick or microSD card
  2. Hold upgrade pinhole button and power on
  3. Boots into Android-style recovery menu
  4. Update from update.img

SSH Access

user : root

pass : letmein

XIOS Settings

Move userdata to sdcard or USB stick

/etc/init.d/S95xbmc stop
cd .xbmc
cp -r userdata /media/usb0/
mv userdata userdata.bak
ln -s /media/usb0/userdata userdata
  • 051013 build has sdcard support. Looks for dir "/mnt/sdcard/xbmc-data"

Set Remote to send Keypresses



Customize Keymap

cp /usr/share/xbmc/system/keymaps/keyboard.xml ~/.xbmc/userdata/keymaps/

$[Get Code]26

In FullscreenVideo:

  • Back button is Stop
  • Return, Enter and Menu (m) is Pause
  • Context (c) is OSD
  • Left is SmallStepBack (-7s)

Migrate from AppleTV

  1. backup AppleTV XBMC data

    ssh root@openelec "tar czvf - .xbmc" > xbmc-backup.tgz  

Remote Control Hardware

  • Apple Remote ~£15, 7 buttons (up, down, left, right, ok, play/pause, menu)
  • Boxee Remote £??, 7 buttons (up, down, left, right, ok, play/pause, home) + qwerty

AppleTV White

Configuration in .kodi/remote.conf

# Apple TV  remote
factory_code    = 0x87ee0001 
work_mode   = 1
repeat_enable   = 1
release_delay   = 150
debug_enable    = 1
reg_control = 0xfbe40

    0x0b 103    ;UP
    0x0d 108    ;DOWN
    0x08 105    ;LEFT
    0x07 106    ;RIGHT
    0x04  28    ;OK
    0x02  14    ;MENU

Load on the fly

amremote_config .xbmc/remote.conf


In dmesg.



Forum : http://www.pivosforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=4747&hilit=cec

Release : http://bit.ly/1qETlp4


  1. . Upgrade via script.module.tofulinux.tool plugin.
  2. . Restore exclude.txt, remote.conf and userdata symlink.


Bugtracker : https://github.com/Pivosgroup/buildroot-linux/issues

Can't set DNS for static IP

Symptom : Won't resolve HASTUR SMB name.

Symptom : Can't install any addons.

Workaround : Use DHCP

echo "nameserver" > /root/.xbmc/myResolv.conf

$[Get Code]33

Can't Switch between static and dynamic IP

UI doesn't update but changes seem to work after a reboot.

Can't use virtual keyboard

Symptom : can't search for anything or input text

Workaround : use the USB keyboard

Cause : settings imported from AppleTV had set remote not to send keypresses

Fix : Set xpath "settings/input/remoteaskeyboard" = "true" in guisettings.xml

Back button doesn't stop video playback

Symptom : Hitting "Back" while in full screen video returns you to the UI but with video running in the background

Workaround : Fix keyboard.xml ... Stop ...



2013-08-07 : Purchased for €142.57 from Pivos Europe

2013-08-13 : Arrived

2013-08-14 : M3. Power on, flash Linux firmware

2013-09-26 : Updated root password. Reserved dynamic IP on router

2014-09-15 : Update to xbmc-13 "Gotham"

2015-03-02 : Update to (the-hydra mk2) kodi-14 "Helix"