- RaspBMC . . . 12 August 2021, at 02:15 PM UTC by Gnome: updates
- KindleFireHD . . . 18 October 2019, at 10:31 AM UTC by Gnome: Replaces TescoHudl2
- KindleFire7 . . . 23 September 2019, at 09:35 PM UTC by Gnome: replaced by KindleFireHD
- TX-NR636 . . . 07 September 2019, at 04:33 PM UTC by Gnome: USB update
- Kodi . . . 26 August 2019, at 01:20 PM UTC by Gnome: xbmc mysql kodi database permissions grants
- MediaCentre . . . 23 January 2019, at 04:06 PM UTC by Gnome: games
- Games . . . 23 January 2019, at 04:00 PM UTC by Gnome: Installing retropie, emulation
- BackEnd . . . 23 January 2019, at 01:18 PM UTC by Gnome: added mc-games
- MultiRoomAudio . . . 05 October 2018, at 11:40 PM UTC by Gnome: libjsoncpp0
- XiosDS . . . 12 March 2017, at 03:30 PM UTC by Gnome: toc
- TescoHudl2 . . . 11 March 2017, at 12:54 PM UTC by Gnome: specs and processor
- NetworkReceivers . . . 22 March 2016, at 02:53 PM UTC by Gnome: bindings for Denon
- VoiceRecognition . . . 19 January 2016, at 07:21 PM UTC by Gnome: modprobe jasper usb-audio
- OSMC . . . 15 June 2015, at 01:36 PM UTC by Gnome: redirect to RaspBMC
- LG-42LD490 . . . 14 April 2015, at 02:04 PM UTC by Gnome: Dimensions
- XBMC . . . 19 March 2015, at 07:48 PM UTC by Gnome: redirect
- CleverAcousticsCPA40 . . . 09 March 2015, at 08:16 PM UTC by Gnome: purchased
- MedialabsFC330 . . . 09 March 2015, at 08:12 PM UTC by Gnome: inputs, outputs, power
- MultiRoomVideo . . . 09 October 2014, at 11:26 PM UTC by Gnome: link XBMC
- Archos80Cobalt . . . 09 October 2014, at 10:24 PM UTC by Gnome: fix MultiRoomAudio link
- FrontEnd . . . 09 September 2014, at 12:29 PM UTC by Gnome: SolidRun CuBox
- UPnP . . . 05 March 2014, at 03:10 PM UTC by Gnome: Renderer-Controllers for Linux
- SurroundSound . . . 28 February 2014, at 05:39 PM UTC by Gnome: Switched amp to take passthrough optical from HD TV
- Z5500 . . . 16 July 2013, at 11:26 AM UTC by Gnome: Inputs
- RemoteControl . . . 10 April 2012, at 08:21 PM GMT by Gnome: fix Home links
- PS3 . . . 10 April 2012, at 08:20 PM GMT by Gnome: fix Home links
- HD . . . 10 April 2012, at 08:19 PM GMT by Gnome: fix Home links
- HDTV . . . 15 November 2011, at 03:26 PM GMT by Gnome: implementation
- Home . . . 15 November 2011, at 03:19 PM GMT by Gnome: link Remote Control
- HDProjector . . . 16 February 2011, at 04:15 PM GMT by Gnome: HD67 and obsolete
- Catalogue . . . 02 September 2009, at 01:16 PM GMT by Gnome: spout, dvdcorral, iheartmovies, gcstar, griffith
- N770 . . . 04 July 2008, at 12:05 AM GMT by Gnome: added Vegalume
- CircumventingARccOS . . . 07 June 2008, at 04:23 PM GMT by Gnome: ddrescue supercedes dd_rescue
- Multi-roomAudioPlayback . . . 26 February 2008, at 10:21 PM GMT by Gnome: added Muse
- Home . . . 22 November 2007, at 02:51 AM GMT by Gnome: multi-frontend media centre
- BackEnd . . . 09 November 2007, at 10:33 PM GMT by Gnome: DVD encoding
- Multi-roomAudioPlayback . . . 20 July 2007, at 04:56 PM GMT by Gnome: bought second N770
- FrontEnd . . . 16 July 2007, at 03:27 PM GMT by Gnome: moved Back End info
- HDProjector . . . 20 May 2007, at 04:02 AM GMT by Gnome: prices