AppleTV runs OS X 10.4.7



  • NitoTV
  • Perian
  • ATVFiles
  • Sapphire
  • VineVNC
  • XBMC
  • Boxee

    cd /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/ mkdir PlugIns.disabled

Ogg and Flac support

Need XiphQT for ogg and flac support

Album Art

ATVFiles looks for folder.jpg (or cover.jpg)

DVD Cover Art

ATVFiles looks for MOVIENAME.jpg

Movie Stacking

(Linking part 1of2 and 2of2 together) ATVFiles uses the following regex:

( [ _\\.-]+cd[ _\\.-]*([0-9a-d]+), [ _\\.-]+dvd[ _\\.-]*([0-9a-d]+), [ _\\.-]+part[ _\\.-]*([0-9a-d]+), ()([a-d])(\\....)$ )

Matches strings like " - cd1", " - part 1"

Movie Metadata


Handbrake AppleTV preset:

./handbrake -i "${DVD_DEVICE}" -L \
           -E aac+ac3 -B 160 -R 48 \
           -2 -e x264 -p -b 2500 -x bframes=3:ref=1:subme=5:me=umh:no-fast-pskip=1:trellis=2:cabac=0 \
           -f mp4 -o "${FINAL_TARGET}/${TITLE}.mp4"


  • SMB mounted shares show wrong names for files with special characters

Update to 2.1


Built from source:

  • dmg2img
  • poke
  • prelink_tool

Patching updated kernel

Installing iTunes


Factory Reset

2008-11-09 - Had to factory reset after problems with CoreVideo and a botched copy of /System to /mnt/Scratch/System.

Now have a patchstick created by atv-usb-creator

  1. Factory reset to 1.0
  2. Patchsticked to add SSH
  3. scp 2.1 update and osupdate to v2.1 hastur$ scp osupdate 2Z694-5485-1.dmg appletv: appletv$ mkdir ~/Updates && mv 2Z694-5485-1.dmg ~/Updates appletv$ sudo ./osupdate

  4. re-Patchstick

  5. restore UserData library
  6. reinstall nitoTV Take Two $ wget http://nitosoft.com/nitoTVInstaller_tt.zip $ unzip nitoTVInstaller_tt.zip $ sudo ./installme

  7. reinstall Perian, kextloader, smbfs

  8. create SMB startup item


  1. configure Boxee
    1. Index local media
    2. Auto-route hulu.com via Yuggoth
    3. Install iPlayer plugin

Boxee Configuration

Network Sources

BBC iPlayer


$ wget http://xbmc-iplayer.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/xbmc-iplayer-plugin.zip
$ mkdir -p /Applications/Boxee.app/Contents/Resources/Boxee/plugins/video/iPlayer
$ unzip xbmc-iplayer-plugin.zip -d /Applications/Boxee.app/Contents/Resources/Boxee/plugins/video/iPlayer
$ vim ~/Library/Application Support/BOXEE/UserData/profiles/$PROFILE_NAME/sources.xml 

XBMC Configuration

  • Installed iPlayer plugin in /Users/frontrow/Library/Application\ Support/XBMC...
    • works, but slowly
  • MythTV plugin not working

Subtitle Support

  • Soft subs supported in 2.2 and 2.3 UI. (2.3 fixed display bugs)
  • Mux ttxt to .m4v with MP4Box, hexedit 's/text/sbtl'
  • Can't update to 2.2 or 2.3 yet - Sapphire not yet updated.

Accidental update to 2.3

Block Updates

sudo bash -c 'echo " mesu.apple.com" >> /etc/hosts'

Add MountShares

XBMC/Boxee manual update

wget http://atv-xbmc-launcher.googlecode.com/files/XBMCLauncher-0.6-debug.run
wget http://atv-xbmc-launcher.googlecode.com/svn/tags/xbmc-info/scripts/launcher-update-0.6.sh
sh launcher-update-0.6.sh XBMCLauncher-0.6-debug.run
wget http://dl.boxee.tv/boxee-0.9.4277.dmg
wget http://atv-xbmc-launcher.googlecode.com/svn/tags/boxee-info/scripts/alpha-0.9.4277_update.sh
sh alpha-0.9.4277_update.sh boxee-0.9.4277.dmg
sudo reboot

Update to Take 3

Create Patchstick

  • Used atvusb-creator on win to create image
  • dd using nixie


  • comment out mesu.apple.com in /etc/hosts
  • update and reboot


  • insert patchstick, reboot


wget http://appletv.nanopi.net/getFile/Sapphire_1.0b7.7.sh
chmod a+x ./Sapphire_1.0b7.7.sh


Xiph codecs

wget http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/xiph-qt/xiph-qt-decoders-0.1.9.dmg
hdid xiph-qt-decoders-0.1.9.dmg
sudo cp -R /Volumes/Xiph\ 0.1.9/XiphQT\ \(decoders\).component /Library/Components/
umount /Volumes/Xiph\ 0.1.9

